Rhea Myers


A blue screen is exhibited.

A blue screen is exhibited at an art show.

A blue screen is exhibited at an art show. The artist, when interviewed, claim they found it like that.

A blue screen is exhibited at an art show. The artist, when interviewed, claim they crashed an NT box deliberately.

A blue screen is exhibited at an art show. The artist, when interviewed, claim they wrote a program that colours the screen blue.

A blue screen is exhibited at an art show. The computer is stolen and the thieves decompile the program. They find it randomly shows an RGB colour on start-up.

A blue screen is exhibited at an art show. The computer is stolen and the thieves decompile the program. They find it studied several thousand religious images and decided on blue using a neural net.

A blue screen is exhibited at an art show. The computer is stolen and the thieves decompile the program. They find it was meant to show an animation.