Rhea Myers

Jasia Reichardt

Jasia Reichardt was Assistant Director of the ICA in London in the late 1960s at the time of “Cybernetic Serendipity”.

Tate Jasia Reichardt webcast.

She wrote three essential guides to Computer Art at the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s.

“Cybernetic Serendipity, The Computer and the Arts “,
Frederick A. Praeger, 1969 or
Studio International, 1970, ISBN: 0902063065
As the title suggests, this is the book accompanying the show “Cybernetic Serendipity”…

“The Computer in Art”,
Studio Vista, 1971, ISBN: 0289795508
An overview of the Computer in fine art, animation, design and art education at the time. Recommended

“Cybernetics Intuitions and Art”,
Studio Vista, 1971 ISBN: 0289701082
A more philosophical/polemical work apparently (I haven’t been able to get hold of a copy yet).

Try ABEBooks… And be prepared to pay through the nose for “Cybernetic Serendipity”…