Rhea Myers

Perfect Language

One of the more tedious quests in philosophy and aesthetics is the one for Perfect Language. A Perfect Language would unambiguously allow representation and discussion of its subjects. But any translation (for example from subjects to terms in the langauge) risks losing information (or worse, introducing it). Perfect Language might therefore be reflexive. Reflexive language avoids translation and is in a trivial way self-underwriting.
The Perfect Language for discussing writing is therefore writing, for art is art, for music is music. This means that the best language for discussing the real world is the real world. But this reduces communication to wollen (ew) if another meta-principle can’t be found.
If no universal Perfect Language can be found, an imperfect language (one bereft of philosophical terms) should be used (which still suffers from wollen, but ironises philosophical pretensions). This removes any question of the suiitablitiy of the language: it is manifestly unsuitable. I recommend Bislama for English speakers and Creole for French speakers.