Rhea Myers

Creative Commons 2.0 Licenses Are Out!

The Creative Commons 2.0 licenses are out.

They cover music and combining works much better than the 1.0 license, but miss the crucial “representation of authority to contribute” clause that makes people think about whether they really are allowed to release Star Wars as Open Content. This was too strict in the original license, but is present in a milder form in several other licenses, and should have been kept in a watered-down form IMHO.

If you are making music or want a good license that allows the kind of cross-media explosion that Lawrence Lessig’s “Free Culture” has seen, this is the license for you. If you are concerned about preventing the SCOs of this world attacking Free Culture, the Free Software Foundation’s procedures for handling contributions may provide a good model.

Congratulations to the CC team for getting these licenses out and for robustly enabling cross-media Free Culture.