Rhea Myers


paintr is now available to view online:

click here for paintr

The source code is also available under the GPL:

click here for the source code

The source code for the full-screen application that I used to show paintr at O3one is not yet available. I need to rewrite it a bit for public consumption.

About paintr:

Paintr was created by Rhea Myers. It was inspired by the writing of Harold Cohen and the projects of Pall Thayer.

It is written in PHP, and uses several web services to gather and process aesthetic materials in order to create an analogue to art or artistic activity:

• colr

• flickr

• autotrace

All the images from flickr used by paintr are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike license, and are therefore free to be used in this manner.

Technorati Tags: [free culture](http://technorati.com/tag/free culture), [free software](http://technorati.com/tag/free software), [generative art](http://technorati.com/tag/generative art), net.art