Rhea Myers

Free Culture Roundup

Madhav Sharma, an actor in the sabotaged 2004 production of Behzti (Dishonour) by Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti has written an impassioned account of his experience.


_The courts eventually found in favor of Francine, awarding her sole custody of the Cousteau trademark in oceanographic endeavors.

Today, Jean-Michel and his siblings cannot use their own last name in conjunction with oceanographic pursuits.


_CPSD Comics: Bound By Law? _


_The Open Rights Group is proud to announce its second networking evening, with guest speaker Cory Doctorow. More details of the evening to come soon.

This free event is open to digital rights campaigners, grassroots activists, the press and the general public, so please do send this information to anyone you think may be interested.

Refreshments and nibbles will be provided free of charge.


Technorati Tags: [free culture](http://www.technorati.com/tag/free culture)