Rhea Myers

Commons Knowledge

This is the first issue of Free Culture UK’s new fortnightly newsletter.
Please pass this on to others who might be interested. To get your upcoming
events, hot news or event reviews in add them to the relevant wiki page.
Feel free to make suggestions on how to improve this as well.

February 2006, no.2
Stable URL: http://www.freeculture.org.uk/newsletter/2006/feb20


_Forum on open content, part of the Open Knowledge Foundation forum series. _

  • What: A chance to discuss what open content means, how we can best create,
    distribute and promote open content, and more. With speakers: Paula LeDieu
    (iCommons), Cory Doctorow (Writer and Campaigner), Tom Chance (RemixReading
    and Free Culture UK) and Jennifer Rigby (BBC Creative Archive)
  • When: Wednesday 22nd February 2006, 7-9pm
  • Where: Stanhope Centre, Marble Arch, London, W2 2HH.
  • More information: http://www.openknowledgefoundation.org/okforums/content/

_Node.l _

  • What: A festival of open, collaborative media arts and infrastructure in London.
  • When: Throughout March 2006.
  • Where: Venues thoughout London.
  • More information: http://nodel.org/

_Remix Reading open media lab _

  • What: Come and learn how to use arty free software, or show off your skills
    to others, at our first open media lab. Just turn up with an open mind.
  • When: Saturday 4th March 2006, 10am-4pm
  • Where: Rising Sun Arts Centre, Reading
  • More information: http://www.remixreading.org/node/708

_Remix Art Competition _

  • What: A competition looking for the best visual remixes of Reading’s local
    area and of a selection of local art. The eleven best pieces will be an
    exhibition in April. Non-locals may enter but ;-)
  • When: Deadline is 6th April 2006.
  • Where: The show will be at Riverside Museum at Blake’s Lock, Reading.
  • More information: http://www.remixreading.org/node/714


“As the UK government reviews patent and copyright law to boost Britain’s
creative economy, Becky Hogge says democratic access to knowledge ought to
benefit too.”

“CNUK relaunches as a free culture and free software project”

Remix Reading held their first open media lab with just two PCs as part of the
relaunch of a local arts centre. People with varied backgrounds showed
interest in free software and free culture.

That’s all folks!