Rhea Myers

Commons Enterprise Working Group

Commons Enterprise Working Group:
Many business, non-profit and public projects use creative commons licenced works to accomplish their mission. A substantial number of these the non-profit and public projects are interested in some type of revenue generation from work under creative commons licences, to ensure sustainability of the projects. These projects are all commons enterprises.
These projects face a number of common challenges including; devising revenue generation models, potential liability for infringement of work by others and possible infringement of the cc licenced work by other people. The learning curve is steep, so to aid us Creative Commons has created a group to discuss these various challenges, sharing experiences and questions from the full range of commons enterprises. Sharing information on commons challenges across a wide spectrum will facilitate mutual learning.

Issues to be discussed include:

  • Revenue generation models

  • marketing commons enterprises

  • Managing diverse licences in composite works

  • Potential risks in revenue generation models including:

  • Potential liability for copyright infringement of others works

  • Infringement of cc licenced works by third parties

  • New challenges to commons enterprises

The group will not discuss collecting society issues, or issues dealt with by other work groups except in sharing practical strategies in dealing with challenges while long term solutions are being devised.
To subscribe go to http://lists.ibiblio.org/mailman/listinfo/cc-enterprise