Rhea Myers

A Swarm of Angels

(via Boing Boing) A Swarm of Angels_ You can help invent the future of film by joining the Swarm in creating a £1 million pound film and giving it away to over one million people in one year._Right. I’ve learnt my lesson about this, so I’m phrasing it as a question:Why is this going to be placed under a NonCommercial sharealike licence? The Orange project’s film, Elephants Dream, was released without that limitation, and it was paid for using the street performer protocol as well.If people are paying £25 and working on the film, why should they not get the rights to exploit their film commercially? This is what NC means, that the people who pay for and work on this film are excluded from it in a way that the film’s organiser isn’t.Is there a good legal or organisational reason for this, is it just commercial=bad, or is it trying to prevent the people who pay for the film from being ripped off? Only the first would make any sense.And I hope the film will be available under a different licence for cinemas, otherwise they won’t be able to charge admission when they show it…