Rhea Myers

Castle Waiting Is Great

Linda Medley’s “Castle Waiting” is a wonderful graphic novel. It looks like a hardback novel until you open in, when the gorgeous art and engaging characters threaten to wipe out your evening. It’s a feminist fairytale, a look at what happens after happily ever after, a multi-layered mediaeval soap opera with daemons, talking animals, and bearded nuns. The first third is the best version of “sleeping beauty” you’ll ever read. Then there’s Lady Jain’s story, which is the narrative and emotional heart of the series. The end of the book is a long but enjoyable diversion from the main story. Now the regular series is starting again we may find out more about some of the questions that aren’t answered in the graphic novel.

It’s page-turningly fantastic. Go and get a standing order for the regular series afterwards.

Here is the cover:


Here’s an interior page:
