Rhea Myers

NC Failage - Arnolfini Gallery


_project.arnolfini offers a repository of materials for further use under open content licenses_

Fail. The GPL isn’t “open content”, and “open content” presupposes the
“content industry” as a frame of reference. “Free culture” is a
better description, but…

_that require derived works to be made available under the same (copyleft) conditions - using _using [GNU GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL) and _Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0._

NC-SA is not a free culture licence. And NC-SA is not copyleft either
because it does not fully pass on the right to use and distribute the work.

It should be a precondition of getting Arts Council funding that work be
BY-SA so that the public get full access to the work that they have paid for…