Rhea Myers

Albums of the Year

Embracing cliche, and alphabetically -

Good -

Demize - Maleficent (Nine Inch Nails fronted by Danielle Dax rather than Trent Reznor)
Divided - Theoretical Girl (well-observed superior chamber folk )
Djin - Queen Adreena (Heavy and scary, sometimes too much so but worth it anyway)
Flattery Not Included - Mister B The Gentleman Rhymer (sharp, witty chap-hop fun)
From An Ancient Star - Belbury Poly (irresistible mid-life-crisis nostalgia electronica)
Here She Comes A-Tumblin’ - Birdeatsbaby (excellent contemporary cabaret)
Lungs - Florence and the Machine (ignore the soi disant radical music press backlash)
More Mature Escapades in Hi-FI - Furny (surprisingly affecting mash-up satire)
Primary Colours - The Horrors (fun even when you remember the source of the pastiche)
33 - Esben And The Witch (Good post-Goth)

Bad -

Defiance - Lahannya (the industrial version of Ben Elton’s “We Will Rock You”)
Hands - Little Boots (technically competent but aesthetically and affectively vacuous)
Quicksilver - The Cruxshadows (bad Eurodisco is not the future of Goth)
Sunn O’s album (Not heard it, but a million middle-aged music journos can’t be right)
To Lose My Life - White Lies (want to be Joy Division? Work at the Job Centre)
XX - The XX (Remedial Pixies with Doctor Avalanche on drums and no song structure)

What did I miss?