Rhea Myers

Found Art Criticism

I present Found Art Criticism:

_"Kanye West's intermittent tweets about art always make my day, so you can imagine my joy when I saw these tweets pop up in my feed"


Here’s an example of Kanye West’s art-related tweets from the post:

_"Like yo this Mark Rothko is the shit! You see it works. This is a break through people. I now know how to communicate art! YES!!!!"_


Notice how this has more critical content and social context than your average self-identified art criticism or theory blog post. Now we just need to form a Surf Club to nominate found art criticism and theory texts. All conscious critical and theoretical activity on the internet will be rendered irrelevant.

We could even do it as art, which would problematise it and make it resistant to simply being meta-nominated. Chris Anderson may have been wrong about Google replacing the scientific method, but if it can replace art for the cultural management (and God knows they’ve been trying to make it do so) then it can replace criticism and theory (and curation) as well.

All problems of critique will be solved by the Muntzes.