Cover Illustration for “Bad Shibe” by Lina Theodorou.
Bad Shibe, Novella, 2017.
“Bad Shibe” is the story of a young member of a near-future cryptocurrency-based utopia. YS works in an orchard in the day, goes to school in the evening, and tips everyone like a good shibe. Until one day they start feeling jealous of a newcomer and start digging in to how their world really works…
My page about the project, with some reading notes, is here: </bad-shibe/>
It’s published by Furtherfield and their page about the project, where you can order a print copy or download the electronic version for free, is here:
Massive thanks to Lina Theodorou for their wonderful illustrations, and to Ruth Catlow for their excellent afterword (and tireless advocacy for the project). You are amaze.