Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

Some Excellent Free Culture-Related Blogs ( Jul 24, 2008 )
Like That ( Jul 24, 2008 )
Some Sanity On DRM For Second Life ( Jul 24, 2008 )
Where's Rob? ( Jul 23, 2008 )
A Day In The Studio 1 (Rings, in Progress) ( Jul 19, 2008 )
Doctor Who And Duchamp ( Jul 17, 2008 )
I Don't Want To Grow Up ( Jul 10, 2008 )
Some People Really Need To Stop Trying To Get Their Hand Up Your Backside ( Jul 10, 2008 )
Why Friending The Aesthetic? ( Jul 10, 2008 )
Harold Cohen at Dorkbot London ( Jul 10, 2008 )