Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

“The problems with free-licensing aesthetic works” ( Mar 27, 2008 )
What I Have Been Up To While Not Posting ( Mar 26, 2008 )
Goodbye Crestfallen ( Mar 15, 2008 )
Persuasion 1 ( Mar 15, 2008 )
public domain textures site ( Mar 14, 2008 )
“History is history and it is time that everyone learned to put historical events behind them” - The Art Newspaper ( Mar 13, 2008 )
From BxAL To PR(u) ( Mar 12, 2008 )
On Purpose ( Mar 8, 2008 )
Computing, Corporate, Critical, Contemporary ( Mar 7, 2008 )
Rhizome Commissions Program ( Mar 7, 2008 )