Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

Should CC release software licenses? | Creative Commons ( Nov 9, 2006 )
Boing Boing: Copyright explained through a wild west metaphor ( Nov 9, 2006 )
Why The NC Permission Culture Simply Doesn't Work ( Nov 9, 2006 )
Thought For The Day ( Nov 7, 2006 )
Gah! ( Oct 31, 2006 )
I Recall A Time But It's Long Gone ( Oct 31, 2006 )
Future of Copyright: Roundtable 3 - Law, regulation and the future ( Oct 28, 2006 )
ElectroNonny ( Oct 27, 2006 )
Lessig's Sandbox ( Oct 26, 2006 )
More New Permission Culture ( Oct 26, 2006 )