Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

Alternatives To Cretinised Neoliberalism As Views Of Free Culture ( Oct 3, 2006 )
GROKLAW - Eben Moglen Repeats His Invitation To The Linux Kernel Developers ( Oct 1, 2006 )
liquid culture: CC flawed? That argument is secondary ( Oct 1, 2006 )
Fisking Lessig's New Permission Culture ( Sep 30, 2006 )
DRM: The Elevator Pitch For Hackers ( Sep 28, 2006 )
CC and DRM: A Brief Guide To A Non-Issue ( Sep 28, 2006 )
What DRM Apologists Get Wrong ( Sep 28, 2006 )
Free Your iPod ( Sep 28, 2006 )
New GNU Free Document Licence Drafts Are Out ( Sep 27, 2006 )
Goodbye Minara, Hello Inkscape ( Sep 26, 2006 )