Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

CopyCamp | An unconference for artists about the Internet and the challenge to copyright ( Aug 21, 2006 )
Castle Waiting Is Great ( Aug 21, 2006 )
David Bowie and the Occult ( Aug 20, 2006 )
Copyleft Concepts 2 ( Aug 20, 2006 )
BookMooch: a community for exchanging used books (book swap and book exchange and book trade) ( Aug 20, 2006 )
Zero Influence Wiki: Culture Bonds ( Aug 20, 2006 )
REMIXWORLD ( Aug 20, 2006 )
Fine Art Adoption Network ( Aug 17, 2006 )
Sharecropping Mash-Ups ( Aug 17, 2006 )
Boing Boing: 3D prints of World of Warcraft avatars ( Aug 17, 2006 )