The Fractionalized Phallus (2025), gltf 3D scan fragments and NFTs.
[the boy] becomes subject to the domination of the castration complex, the formation of which plays an important part in the development of his character, […] [the girl] envies the boy his possession, and primarily from this motive desires to be a man.
— “A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis”, Sigmund Freud, 1920.
It was a pompous structure, chipped out of granite dragged from god knows where, it was twenty or thirty feet tall. … But the cock was broken off clean in the middle; … The top half of the cock, ten feet of it, lay in the sand at my feet but it did not look as if it had fallen accidentally.
— “The Passion of New Eve”, Angela Carter, 1982.
The trans feminine body is a circuit. It is both testosterone blockers and estrogen inputs, Acéphallus and Body without Sex Organs. On the one hand a rejection of phallogocentricism, on the other hand the affirmative desire of the body made virtual.
— “Gender Acceleration: A Blackpaper”, n1x, 2018.
The epigraph to this paper offers one extreme, fantastical picture of this bioegalitarianism taken to its logical terminus in a kind of undifferentiated, protean biomass. In the words of the author, the pseudonymous trans activist Nyx Land: “a return back to the ocean, back to a sexless, genderless slime swarmachine.”
— “Imago DEI: Human Nature, Technology, and the Progress Dilemma”, Heritage Foundation report by Mary Harrington, 2024.
It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.
Masculine energy is good, and obviously, society has plenty of that, but I think corporate culture was really trying to get away from it, I think having a culture that celebrates the aggression a bit more has its own merits that are really positive.
— Mark Zuckerberg, 2025.
The Fractionalized Phallus (2025) consists of NFTs of fragmented intimate 3D scans of the artist’s pre-gender-confirmation-surgery body—a form that no longer exists and is therefore no longer her property. This functions as an assertion of the materiality and contingency of gender against violent fantasies of fixed binaries imposed by state fiat. It does so by using the logics and systems of that technokleptic state to reduce its master signifier to just another commodity circulating within its markets. Thereby turning its greatest fear and most policed desire into an answer to political demands for increased masculinity in social and economic life.
One person’s body horror is another person’s gender euphoria. This seems misallocated. NFTs make the unownable into alienable property, allowing it to be reallocated and subject to price discovery. Described in blockchain terms, sex is not soulbound - it is a matter of stake. If you want more masculinity for yourself or your workplace, simply buy some.
Through these strategies and resonances, The Fractionalized Phallus builds on the irony of MYSOUL, the technofeminism of Titled (Information as Property as Art), and the transfeminine critique of The Ego, and It’s 0wned. It offers a powerful rejoinder to everyone who wants the state out of their money and into everyone else’s pants.