Rhea Myers

Creative Block

I don’t think I really have a creative block. Just not enough time and too much real life stress.

I was going to do some image remixing this month but that is turning out to be a bigger project than I thought. I’ll have to take more time to prepare it thoroughly. I’m also very concerned that it must not be an academic or merely political exercise. If bad art comes from the best of intentions, illustrating theory makes for abject drivel.

I’d like to do more on draw-something, ahead of schedule. The colour images and the valentines hacks show how well it is coming on. But I need to know what draw-something is going to do next. Maybe better colour, maybe better composition, maybe better forms. Maybe I should just get on with it.

I think I will retreat to my sketchbook for a while. And maybe blog a little. Sitting at the Wacom staring at a blank screen isn’t helping. :-)