Rhea Myers

Libertinage Font Now Available

OSP’s Libertinage font is now available here.

Libertinage was commissioned for the FLOSS+Art book. It’s licenced under the OFL, which is emerging as the standard licence for fonts.

OSP say -

_Libertinage is a remix of Linux Libertine and was designed in August 2008._ _ For more detailed information: [ospublish.constantvzw.org](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/)_

We built Libertinage by copying and pasting parts of Linux Libertine
glyphs. There are 26 variations, one for each latin letter in the
Libertinage.ttf is the ‘Full’ version, containing all modifications._

Single letter versions are named Libertinage-a, Libertinage-b,
Libertinage-c… depending on the letter that was changed. All 26 are
gathered in the Libertinage package as .ttf files._

‘La vie est triste comme un verre de grenadine’_
Mylène Farmer, Libertine (1985)_

OSP have an excellent blog on using Free Software for design work here.