Rhea Myers

Notes Toward Free Culture

Artist’s exploration of extremism stymied

“The [UK] government’s anti-terror law watchdog has become involved in an artist’s attempt to use jihadist handbooks and extremist tracts in his work.”

Tintin copyrights go to war against Tintin fans

“The British lawyer who married the widow of Tintin creator Hergé has successfully sued Bob Garcia (“a detective novelist, jazz musician and Tintin aficionado”) for £35,000 for printing five short essays in appreciation of Tintin, two of which were illustrated with brief clips from the comic. The essays were distributed for free on a non-profit basis, and the two pamphlets with Tintin illustrations were printed about 500 times each. “

Artists vs. Copyright Law

“After constant harangues about the sanctity of their “private property” and the scourge of “piracy,” it was refreshing to experience World Fair Use Day in Washington, D.C. on January 12. The event – hosted by Public Knowledge, the defender of the public’s stake in the Internet and copyrighted works – brought together some two dozen artists, lawyers, scholars, journalists and others who care about our untrammeled right to use and re-use our own culture.”

UK Independent editor claims it may steal any image posted to Flickr

“Freely sharing one’s work is a popular choice, but it’s not the choice that Zabulis made here. Moreover, the Independent_ didn’t attribute the work, responded disrespectfully to his inquiry, and offers no fair use defense or even a transgressive rationale for what it did: just “tough shit, old boy,” safe in the knowledge that legal recourse is an option only to those who can afford it.”_