Rhea Myers

It's Foo! It's A Bar! Come To The FooBar!


If you’re in Boston on Friday, come to the FooBar!

With a lot of people in town for the LibrePlanet conference, we decided to have a little event of our own.


If you’re interested in free software, free network services, art, music and copyleft, come along!


We’re meeting at 7pm, on Friday 19th March 2010. The venue is the back room of JJ Foleys Bar and Grille, on the Red Line in Downtown Crossing and just a 10-12 minute fast train journey from Harvard Square.


If you’ve used Libre.fm, or you’re excited to find out the latest about daisychain development and some of the musical projects we have in the pipeline, come along. We’ll be giving out free CDs with some our work, as a sampler.

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