Rhea Myers

Exploring Art Data 10

Let’s make a word clouds for all the artists:

<tt>## install.packages('snippets',,'http://www.rforge.net/')
## Create a word cloud for all artists
freqAll<-termFreq(PlainTextDocument(paste(artists, collapse=" "),
control=list(removePunctuation=TRUE, removeNumbers=TRUE,
stopwords=TRUE, minDocFreq=100))
cloud(freqAll, col = col.br(freqAll, fit=TRUE))</tt>

vasari-wordcloud-all.png And here’s a tag cloud for just one artist (Giovanni Cimabue) to compare it with:

<tt>## Create a word cloud for one artist
freq<-termFreq(PlainTextDocument(artists[1], language="en"),
control=list(removePunctuation=TRUE, removeNumbers=TRUE,
stopwords=TRUE, minDocFreq=3))
cloud(freq, col = col.br(freq, fit=TRUE))</tt>
