Rhea Myers

Connecting To LambdaMOO From Desktop And Laptop Computers

LambdaMOO uses the Telnet protocol but modern operating systems don’t tend to include a Telnet client by default. Using a dedicated MOO client offers a much better experience, so we’ll concentrate on finding and installing one of those instead.


GnomeMUD is a MOO client for GNU/Linux. It is usually available through your package manager as gnome-mud.

Use the following World Settings for LambdaMOO:

Host: lambda.moo.mud.org

Port: 8888

**Logon: **connect Guest

or, once you register a character

**Logon: **connect CHARACTER PASSWORD

Replace “CHARACTER” with the name of your character, and “PASSWORD” with your password.


Pueblo is a MOO client for Windows. You can download it here.

Use the following World Settings for LambdaMOO:

Host: lambda.moo.mud.org

Port: 8888

**Username: **Guest

Leave the password blank.

or, once you register a character

**Username: **CHARACTER

**Password: **PASSWORD

Replace “CHARACTER” with the name of your character, and “PASSWORD” with your password.

Mac OS X

Savitar is a MOO client for Mac OS X. You can download it here.

Use the following World Settings for LambdaMOO:

Host Name: lambda.moo.mud.org

Host Port: 8888

**Issue these commands at startup: **connect Guest

or, once you register a character

**Issue these commands at startup: **connect CHARACTER PASSWORD

Replace “CHARACTER” with the name of your character, and “PASSWORD” with your password.

Cross-Platform GUI client

Mudlet is a graphical user interface MOO client that is available for GNU/Linux, MacOS X and Windows. You can download it here.

Use the following Connect settings for LambdaMOO:

Server Address: lambda.moo.mud.org

Port: 8888

Then click the connect button and once the welcome message from LambdaMOO finishes printing type :

    connect Guest

or, once you register a character:


Replace “CHARACTER” with the name of your character, and “PASSWORD” with your password.

Cross-Platform Command Line Client

TinyFugue 5 is a command-line MOO client that runs on MacOS X and Windows as well as on UNIX platforms such as GNU/Linux. It is usually available through your package manager as “tf5”.

TinyFugue uses a command-line terminal window, so open a terminal and type:


then when TinyFugue has loaded, type:

    /connect lambda.moo.mud.org 8888

and once the welcome message from LambdaMOO finishes printing, type :

    connect Guest

or, once you register a character:


Replace “CHARACTER” with the name of your character, and “PASSWORD” with your password.