Rhea Myers

The work of art in the age of 3D printed reproduction


An excellent article on 3D printing art at MakeTank starts with my shareable readymads:


"While Myers’ work has yet to be displayed in a major museum – and that is not her point – a recent installation at the **Andy Warhol Museum** in Pittsburgh (PA), in collaboration with **Materialise**, adds to the question of what it looks like when you mix 3D printing with work intended to question the value of the multiple. The installation, Factory 2.0, with Warhol-inspired multiples, was put on in conjunction with the opening of RAPID 2013 Additive Manufacturing Conference & Expo. At the same time, there were exhibited five finalists from the i.materialise Andy Warhol Contest."

They also quote Charlotte Frost and mention the Art History Hashtag project, about which more next…