Making music with datagloves in the 1980s:
Making music with datagloves in the 2010s:
I’m interested in applications of VR gloves to visual art making. There’s examples of this for 3D modelling, e.g.:
but I’m more interested in 2D image production. If anyone knows of any examples I’d be very interested.
Heap’s use of wrist microphones could be replaced with palm cameras for capturing image samples or video samples rather than sound samples, making literal the eye-in-hand motif popular in logos a while back (e.g. ). These samples could be manipulated using a glove interface providing the kind of spatialization of sample properties that Heap demonstrates, either in image composition or VJ applications.
The role of and constraints on bodily performance are different for image and music making, maybe this would be more suitable for livecoding, but I still think that a defamiliarising, flexible and expressive interface is a useful affordance for art.