Rhea Myers

Facecoin at The New Sublime

Facecoin installed at The New Sublime

Facecoin is being shown in the show The New Sublime at The Phoenix Gallery in Brighton from September 6th-28th 2014.

You can read about Facecoin at The New Sublime here. It’s in some amazing company in the show, do get to see it if you can.

Facecoin is sublime not in the sense of being delightful but in the sense of being an attempt at cognizing the aesthetics of an encounter with a phenomenon overwhelmingly greater than oneself. Rather than God, the landscape, a storm or some other natural or supernatural event, for Facecoin that phenomenon is the activity of cryptocurrency software. The inhuman scale and super-Stakhanivite work of Bitcoin’s network of computers forms an economic Skynet of loving grace. Facecoin offers a way in to contemplating this, and thereby provides an encounter with the sublime.