Rhea Myers


**dcrun -u rpcuser -w rpcpassword [DCvDS9g9VUZ94MSLbWi4zWRtxHrXeEctZ3](http://dogepartychain.info/address/DCvDS9g9VUZ94MSLbWi4zWRtxHrXeEctZ3) Hello World!**

Cryptographic asset tokens can represent all kinds of things.

Including computer programs. Introducing…:


(There are several other projects called Dogecode. This isn’t them).

Dogecode takes computer programs in the Brainfuck programming language (chosen for simplicity of encoding):


and translates them into a csv file of token amounts using dcc:


which are then sent to a Dogeparty address (slowly) as a series of token transfer transactions using dcsend:

Sending lots of tokens. Make sure you really want to do this.
Waiting for token state to synch
Row 1: INCB,8
Waiting for token state to synch...........
Row 2: JFOR,1
Waiting for token state to synch.............
Row 3: INCP,1
Waiting for token state to synch........
Row 4: INCB,4
Waiting for token state to synch..................
Row 5: JFOR,1
Waiting for token state to synch.......................
Row 6: INCP,1
Waiting for token state to synch.......................
Row 7: INCB,2
Waiting for token state to synch......
Row 8: INCP,1
Waiting for token state to synch......
Row 9: INCB,3
Waiting for token state to synch......
Row 10: INCP,1
Waiting for token state to synch.....................
Row 11: INCB,3
Waiting for token state to synch..............
Row 12: INCP,1
Waiting for token state to synch.....

The transactions encode the program on the address, which can then be fetched and run as seen at the top of this post using dcrun.

For more details see the whitepaper.

Update: There’s an easier to use runner and more examples here.