Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

LP - Libre Planet 2009 ( Mar 25, 2009 )
Boston, and Libre Planet 2009 ( Mar 18, 2009 )
Code is the Easy Part ( Mar 16, 2009 )
Why 3D Printing Will Go Mainstream ( Mar 15, 2009 )
The New Book Banning ( Mar 15, 2009 )
NC Failage - Arnolfini Gallery ( Mar 15, 2009 )
FLOSS Manuals Shouldn't Publish NC Books ( Mar 10, 2009 )
New Art: Andy Warhol the computer geek ( Mar 2, 2009 )
Thinking It Through ( Feb 27, 2009 )
Diffable Bitmaps ( Feb 27, 2009 )