Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

Copyright Extension Failage In Europe ( Feb 14, 2009 )
ebook Sources ( Feb 8, 2009 )
FLOSS Manuals To Plucker ( Feb 8, 2009 )
Ancient treasures put online by an international project | Technology | The Guardian ( Feb 5, 2009 )
An extemporisation of the remainder of the negative concatenation of the numino-correlative nexii reified by problematics of empire-congruent non-aximatic foundationalisms qua bovine residue ( Feb 5, 2009 )
Number Crunching ( Feb 5, 2009 )
Snow Fail ( Feb 5, 2009 )
Gutenberg CD To Plucker Perl Script ( Feb 5, 2009 )
ebooks ( Feb 5, 2009 )
Wikipedia Loves Art V&A Launch ( Feb 5, 2009 )