Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

FLOSS+Art Book Launch ( Oct 18, 2008 )
The Agile Artist 3 - Getting Real ( Oct 14, 2008 )
Value In The Work ( Oct 8, 2008 )
Setting the SVG MIME Type in Subversion ( Oct 7, 2008 )
The Agile Artist 2 - Web 2.0 Productivity ( Oct 7, 2008 )
The Agile Artist 1 - Getting Things Done ( Oct 7, 2008 )
Open Art History ( Oct 1, 2008 )
Two New Reviews at Furtherfield ( Oct 1, 2008 )
Art After Neoliberalism ( Oct 1, 2008 )
Music I'm Currently Enjoying ( Sep 30, 2008 )