Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

2048 - First, Last and Inbetween ( Sep 11, 2007 )
draw-something: almost there ( Sep 11, 2007 )
C Plus Plus Is Teh Suxx0r ( Sep 10, 2007 )
draw something In Progress ( Sep 9, 2007 )
Where Are The Joneses Ending Up? ( Sep 8, 2007 )
draw-something 2048 times ( Sep 8, 2007 )
Press Release For the A&L / Red Krayola Album ( Sep 7, 2007 )
Open letter to Adobe - release Flash under the GNU GPL today | Exploring Freedom ( Sep 6, 2007 )
Cold Reading, Misdirection and NLP ( Sep 5, 2007 )
New Art & Language With The Red Crayola Album Later This Month ( Sep 5, 2007 )