Rhea Myers

Blog Posts

The Public Domain: Our Shared Culture: Judith's Web ( Aug 16, 2006 )
Future Feeder » Archive » Capturing Refraction ( Aug 16, 2006 )
internet soul portrait - data visualization & visual design - information aesthetics ( Aug 16, 2006 )
Eyebeam reBlog: Pic of the day ( Aug 16, 2006 )
New media art shouldn't suck ( Aug 16, 2006 )
Cultura Libre ( Aug 9, 2006 )
Thinking About Art: New to the Collection: William Betts (again) ( Aug 9, 2006 )
Boing Boing: FreeCulture UK launches monthly free culture zine ( Aug 9, 2006 )
jPod - Douglas Coupland ( Jul 30, 2006 )
Copyleft Concepts ( Jul 29, 2006 )