Rhea Myers

Drone Strike

Screenshot from 2014-04-10 23:12:11

Surgical Strike Free Software, 2008/2014, C++ software.

The original Surgical Strike (1996) was created to collide the cultures of idealistic mid-1990s arts computing and of politically obsessive mid-1990s art criticism by collapsing the history and aesthetics of military, corporate and arts computing. The title is a piece of military jargon that served to illustrate the idea of a gap between depiction and reality. But the gap that it indicated was in the target cultures, not (necessarily) between the ideals and reality of militarism.

The tensions today are surprisingly similar but they look very different. Compare the drones-and-social-media-logos image above with these development images using the old Surgical Strike models and textures:

Screenshot from 2014-03-20 00:24:41 Rotation Fail Hoops Ring 2 Ring 1 strike

Click on the images to see them full size. Some of them are glitches…

Here’s what it looks like to program in and execute the language:


You can get the source code here.

And here.