Rhea Myers

A Dogeparty block explorer showing the MYSOUL token

MYSOUL, 2014, Counterparty and Dogeparty assets

I have placed my soul on the blockchain, representing it as a cryptographic asset token.

The MYSOUL token is on the Dogecoin blockchain as a Dogeparty asset (Note: as of 2017 dogepartychain is offline, don’t follow the link!):


I’ve divided it up into 100 units. This is more efficient that having a single token to represent the soul and transferring it to a single owner, as competition within the market will both reduce costs and allocate this resource more efficiently than a monopoly could.

To make ownership of my soul more accessible, I’ve also created a MYSOUL asset on the Bitcoin blockchain with Counterparty:


This is also divided up into 100 units. Counterparty is more expensive for transactions than Dogeparty, but is more widespread, so it’s good to have both options.