Rhea Myers


Upload Update
Work In Progress: Some Art
Fear Of Smart Contracts
Object Oriented Ontology Critique Response Generator
Proof Of Existence 2
Surgical Strike Update
Working on Facecoin
MOO Memeing
Composition Generators
The Mona Lisa Of Disapproval
Psychogeodata (3/3)
Psychogeodata (2/3)
Psychogeodata (1/3)
artbollocks-mode update
The Aesthetic Seance
Digital Evaluation Of The Humanities
Digital Parapsychology
The Destiny Of Virus-Infected Drones
The Mind Is Obsolete
Found Art Criticism
Artbollocks Preflight Script
Blue Ant
Two Shoe Salesmen
Screwdriver Sketch
Quantitative Iconography
Coals To Newcastle
Non-Relational Aesthetics
An extemporisation of the remainder of the negative concatenation of the numino-correlative nexii reified by problematics of empire-congruent non-aximatic foundationalisms qua bovine residue
Number Crunching
Snow Fail
Mummers Atheism
All Problems Of Management Will Be Solved By The Muntzes
Black Swans and Scapegoats
Surgical Strike Free Software
Portrait of The Artist as Homo Economicus
Doctor Who And Duchamp
Some People Really Need To Stop Trying To Get Their Hand Up Your Backside
In the Anon. Meeting Of Mined
Why I Didn't Like American McGee's Alice
Grammatical Fallacies Exposed
A Brief High Cultural Socio-Aesthetic Interlude Pace Adorno
Divisive Sci Fi
Indexical Environment
C Plus Plus Is Teh Suxx0r
Bender's Big Score
Ironised CC Licenses (Birthday and Christmas Wrapping Paper)
Ironised CC Licenses (BY Blank Canvasses)
Ironised CC Licenses (SA and NC-SA)
Ironised CC Licences (ND and NC)
Shameless Call For Votes: T-Shirt Slogan on Threadless
Encoding Useful Information
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-NC-ND)
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-ND)
Diamond Dust
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-NC)
Ironised CC Licenses (BY)
if and iff
Aesthetic Aura Investigation One
The Aura Of The Aura
Idiot Screw-Ups
Complete Tools
Misunderstandings Of Free Screwdrivers
Ubu Enchaine
Nothing But Champagne Now I'm The Boss
Mr. Agreeable
T-Shirt Slogan 1
Deontological Singularity
Shirt Based Organism
The Poverty Of Historicism
Think Of The Children
MTAA-RR [ news/twhid/cory_doctorow_i_don_t_like_him.html ]
Though For The Day
Thought For The Day
Thought For The Day
Reasons Wittgenstein Is A Prick Nos. 37 & 38
Thought for the Day
Thought For The Day
Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog: Serpentes on a Shippe! (spoylerez)
PooterGeek » Blog Archive » Running Rings
Sharecropping Mash-Ups
Eyebeam reBlog: Pic of the day
jPod - Douglas Coupland
Yay Hooray | yh collab: redesign famous logos in web 2.0 format!
Everybody loves Eric Raymond » Lug Radio Live 2006
Rhizome.org: Outsider Space Art
Fisking Anti-Imperialism
Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | Charlie Brooker: Supposing … Sandi Thom is the musical antichrist
A Mathematician Reads Social Text
Meanwhile, In The Land Of Cockayne
Everybody Loves Eric Raymond
Thought For The Day
Off Center » Think…
Slogan For A T-Shirt
I, for one, welcome our new net.prick overlords. [Via Rhizome RAW]
Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog
Clairefontaine Recto Verso Polypro
DRM is Killing Music
Forget Duchamp
Geek Aesthetics 5
Thought For The Day
Business Insultant
Happy Christmas!
No Chrome Spheres…
A New Logical Fallacy
Granada Can Fuck Right Off
Thought For The Day
The State Of Art
Start Your Own Country (And The State Of Art)
Soi Disant…?
At The Cinema
Gravity Is “Only A Theory”
Europe United Against The EU
Respect Religion, It Respects You
Jer-ry, Jer-ry!
Simian Spanking Science
Skeptic's Annotated Bible
Conclusive Proof Of Creationism!
You Couldn't Make It Up
I Heart Rhizome
How To Write Net Poetry
How Postmodernists “Think”
The Internet…
One-Step Logic
Smash Global Capitalism! Spend Less Money!
The Fiction Of The Western Tradition
I Thought We Were The Judean People's Front?
Ethics & Aesthetics (via eu-gene)
Petals Around The Rose
Kinkade on QVC
Ursine Sylvian Defecation Study - Shock Result
Asperger's Syndrome Syndrome
Fire At Saatchi Warehouse
Quote From Harold Cohen's Talk
The World As Code
The Difference Between hackers And Painters
Mouse Droppings
But It's Art…
May Day
What Is Art?
Breakthrough Fetishism
Finding The Aura
More Picassos