Rhea Myers


Welcome To The Dessert Of The Real
Aesthetic Comparison Games
Intensive and Extensive Aesthetic Property Token Composition
Contemporary "AI Art" In Context
Tokenized Vickrey Aesthetics
From WART to DeAes
WART - Wrapped Art
Flinging An NFT In The Public's Face
Haven't They Suffered Enough?
Upload Update
Token Grid
Lottery Symbol
Using The Palette
Democratic Palette
Rationally Irrational Aesthetics
Art For Algorithms
Critical Coins
Blockchain Aesthetics
Streaming Aesthetics Word Cloud
Streaming Aesthetics CLI 2
Streaming Aesthetics CLI
Facecoin at The New Sublime
Ethereum - Art Is...
Allographic, Fake, Information, Materiality
What Is An Artist (On Wikipedia)?
Not Now James, We're Busy
Small Sensoria 3
Psychogeodata (3/3)
Psychogeodata (2/3)
Psychogeodata (1/3)
The R Cultural Analytics Library
The Aesthetic Seance
The Destiny Of Virus-Infected Drones
DDOS, Aesthetics, Speech
The Mind Is Obsolete
Humanity Is A Skeuomorph
Streaming Aesthetics: Shape
Logging Colours To ThingSpeak
An Aesthetics Of Disappearance
Quantitative Aesthetics - Films Are Getting Worse
Exploring Art Data 14
Art Data Analysis: Dissecting The Canon
Art Data Analysis: Dating Site Aesthetics
Art Data Analysis: Fantasy Book Covers
Aesthetic Evaluation
Adorno On Quantitative Aesthetics
Art Data Analysis: Emily Vanderpoel
Art Data Analysis: Roger de Piles
Exploring Art Data 13
Art Data Analysis: A Very Data Christmas
Art Data Analysis: Software Studies
Exploring Art Data 6
Coffe Shop Table
Exploring Art History Data 2
Found Art Criticism
More Streaming Aesthetics
You Can't Spell Fungible Without Fun
From The Archives
Remember We Said No Future?
Inhuman Aesthetics
Quantitative Aesthetics
Artbollocks Preflight Script
Blue Ant
Quantitative Aesthetics
Streaming Aesthetics (Colour)
Work In Progress - Streaming Aesthetics
Techo Art Roundup
The Supernaturalism of Qualia
Cultures Of Scale
Digital Pioneers
Livecoding As Realistic Artistic Practice
Albums of the Year
Cover Version
Star Dot Star Punk
Steampunk Primary Sources II
CIAC's Electronic Magazine
Nominato Ergo Blog
And So But No
Aesthetics, Statistics, Social Software
Crank Aesthetics
Aesthetic Analysis
Technical Problems
Weaponized Aesthetics
Art, Statistical Modelling, Normativity
Affect Mining
Quantifying The Canon
Quantitative Iconography
Artificial Affectivity, Artificial Affectivities
Magazine électronique du CIAC - CIAC's Electronic Magazine
What Art Materials Do You Use?
New Art: Andy Warhol the computer geek
An extemporisation of the remainder of the negative concatenation of the numino-correlative nexii reified by problematics of empire-congruent non-aximatic foundationalisms qua bovine residue
Aesthetic Insight - Blue
Patrick McGoohan RIP
Notes For Two Reviews
Thomas Kinkade, IP Maximalist
Mummers Atheism
All Problems Of Management Will Be Solved By The Muntzes
Like That Is Back
Pure:dyne Discussion on Netbehaviour
The Agile Artist 3 - Getting Real
Value In The Work
The Agile Artist 2 - Web 2.0 Productivity
The Agile Artist 1 - Getting Things Done
Open Art History
Two New Reviews at Furtherfield
Art After Neoliberalism
Failed Transubstantiation
Art Fag City On Surf Clubs
AARON and Phosphenes
RIP Ken Campbell
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Mac Operator
On Hipsterism
k-punk: I am angry, I am ill and I'm as ugly as sin...
Tom Moody
The Cognitive Science Question For Art
The Economic Question For Art
Portrait of The Artist as Homo Economicus
A Day In The Studio 1 (Rings, in Progress)
Doctor Who And Duchamp
I Don't Want To Grow Up
Harold Cohen at Dorkbot London
Friending The Aesthetic
In the Anon. Meeting Of Mined
New Reviews At Furtherfield
First Impressions
Artist/roboticist teaching neural-net bots to love and dance to punk music - Boing Boing
Strange Attractions
I love you. I know.
Big Buck Bunny Is Out!
Exhibitions at HTTP Gallery. Open Source Embroidery: Craft and Code
MySpace.com - Beyond the Rave: Official Page to Watch the Premiere. Begins April 17th, 2008.
Toplap CD
Solaris - The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction: Volume 2
SwanQuake - the user manual
Goodbye Crestfallen
“History is history and it is time that everyone learned to put historical events behind them” - The Art Newspaper
From BxAL To PR(u)
Computing, Corporate, Critical, Contemporary
Why I Didn't Like American McGee's Alice
furtherfield review - Addressable Memory
Comrades, Social Objects and Affordances
What Is A Constitutive Blank?
Grammatical Fallacies Exposed
A Brief High Cultural Socio-Aesthetic Interlude Pace Adorno
Data Visualization And Corporate Information Culture
Divisive Sci Fi
Designing Problems are for the Lazy « Zero influence
Seeing Causes Work
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today
Alfred Jarry, 8th Sept 1873 – 1st Nov 1907
Indexical Environment
Press Release For the A&L / Red Krayola Album
Cold Reading, Misdirection and NLP
New Art & Language With The Red Crayola Album Later This Month
Transcendence And Depth
Ironised CC Licenses
Primary Colours (Red, Yellow, Blue)
Encoding Useful Information
Various lengths of representation for “All one-, two-, three- & four part combinations of lines in four directions and in four colours”
Ironised CC Licenses (BY-ND)
Diamond Dust
Pure Aesthetic
if and iff
Fixing The LeWitt 4x4 Set Comprehension
Why should the licence of an artwork be interesting?
The First And Second Items Of An Ordered Pair
Ordered Pairs
Dance Notation
Notating LeWitt and Vermeer
The Square Subset of Damien Hirst Spot Paintings
Godel Numbering (After Hofstadter)
All one-, two-, three- & four part combinations of four transparent colours
Ship It
All one-, two-, three- & four part combinations of four transparent colours
All one-, two-, three- & four part combinations of lines in four directions and in four colours
Straight lines in four directions & all their possible combinations
What Is Index 01 Like?
LaTeX and Conceptual Art
Pimp My Memento Mori
Burberry Bathos
Everything Is Miscellaneous?
Aesthetic Aura Investigation One
David Platt
The Aura Of The Aura
Copyright Rose Selavy
Wendy Smith
Dubya Is A Drip
Office Party
I'm Just Going To Try This
Joy Garnett
Look, See: May 06, 2007 - May 12, 2007 Archives
Ubu Enchaine
Fifty Years Of Hammer Horror
Nothing But Champagne Now I'm The Boss
Two Viewers
Life Drawing
Art for Society?
New Reviews At FurtherField
T-Shirt Slogan 1
Flickr: photos tagged with psychetecture
Deontological Singularity
Shirt Based Organism
The Poverty Of Historicism
Cello And Digital Delay
Why The New Colouring Algorithm Works
Colour Cells
Artists Should Work
Though For The Day
First Wiimote Drawing
Thought For The Day
Last Night's Talk By Harold Cohen
Future of Copyright: Roundtable 3 - Law, regulation and the future
Two Crescendos
Reasons Wittgenstein Is A Prick Nos. 37 & 38
Thought For The Day
The Madonna Code Revealed: Pointing to the Uplifted Blossom
PooterGeek » Blog Archive » Running Rings
Sokref: Paul Laffoley
David Bowie and the Occult
Boing Boing: 3D prints of World of Warcraft avatars
The Public Domain: Our Shared Culture: Judith's Web
Future Feeder » Archive » Capturing Refraction
internet soul portrait - data visualization & visual design - information aesthetics
Eyebeam reBlog: Pic of the day
Thinking About Art: New to the Collection: William Betts (again)
Copyleft Concepts
Aesthetics And Freedom
What Is The Schillinger System
Yay Hooray | yh collab: redesign famous logos in web 2.0 format!
Kathleen Kucka
Cultural Functional Equivalency?
Fallon Planning Blog: Culture: Experimental Research Methodologies
Eyebeam reBlog: Center for Tactical Magic
Eyebeam reBlog: First Impressionism
kollabor8 | digital art collaboration online | photoshop tennis for the masses
NEWSgrist - where spin is art: Endgame Art: Fear of Form
“Zero influence!” » Blog Archive » Still River
Rhizome.org: Outsider Space Art
ScienceDaily: Composer Reveals Musical Chords' Hidden Geometry
BibliOdyssey: The Visual Context of Music
Wooster Collective: Shit We're Diggin: TheBroth.com, a collaborative mosaic art project.
Museum, Inc.
Danica Phelps
Eyebeam reBlog: Internet Archive: Details: Un Chien Andalou
Guardian Unlimited Arts | Arts features | Thoroughly modern Manet
Alan Moore - Lost Girls
Brand Vs. Brand
GPS From Home
Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog » Blog Archive » Zoomorphic Calligraphy
Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog » Blog Archive » Foster's Blog
Does Gödel Matter?
Sculpture's wooden mount on display instead of sculpture
Guardian Unlimited | Comment is free | Charlie Brooker: Supposing … Sandi Thom is the musical antichrist
A Mathematician Reads Social Text
Affective McJobs && Judas Goats
Art & Language : Homes for Homes II
The Style of Numbers Behind a Number of Styles
Julie Gross
showtime: happy famous artists
On the modelling of creative behavior
Thinking About Art: Artists Interview Artists: Jason Dean and Matt Nash
Lady Pyrate
Artists Interview Artists
Look, See: Painting The Digital River
aesthetic computing book - data visualization & visual culture - information aesthetics
Thatcher, Thatcher, Milk Snatcher
The Work Of Art
Mutator 2
Off Center » Think…
Rhizome.org: spacer.gif{ART}
Boing Boing: Vatican astronomer denounces Creationism as
Speak Up › Pity…
John K: Animation School lesson 1/ CONSTRUCTION/ The Head
Biggest Sculpture Evar
Ventriloquism 2
Marie Antoinette on the Way to the Guillotine
Relational Art 3
The “November” Matrix
Remixed Reading
Slogan For A T-Shirt
Relational Aesthetics (The Institutional Theory + Suspension of Judgement - Radical Commitment) [via Rhizome RAW]
I, for one, welcome our new net.prick overlords. [Via Rhizome RAW]
Chris Ashley Review
A Commonality
artblog on Jeff Koons
Copyright Is Aesthetics
Procedural Drawing
ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Project Blog: Media: John K's Storyboard For Stimpy's Invention
Benjamin Edwards : Works, Projects, Archive
Gismu Glyph
Forget Duchamp
Geek Aesthetics 5
Business Insultant
Career-Building Bullshit That Cares
Pirate vs. Ninja (2)
Geek Aesthetics 4
: : Speak Up > Computer = Fart, or Digital Immersion Is Not Design : :
Pirate Vs. Ninja (1)
An Excerpt From A Recounting Of An Adventure By Baron Munchausen
Geek Aesthetics 3
An Artists's Notebook
Geek Aesthetics 2
Pirate or Ninja?
Art And Cognition
D'oh: Cento
Spam Literature
To Marry Off Our Daughter To The Nouveaux Riche
Space Art
No Chrome Spheres…
Videogame teaches female sexual gratification
On Crap Installation Art
The Public Catalogue Foundation
Notes On Making Art
Joy Garnett in Harpers
Abstract over Image
Drawings From Photos on Flickr
The Logic Alphabet
US Public Domain Recording Study
“the land-of-Cockayne of Cultural Studies…”
Baudie On Art
Fake Haunting Induction
Games & Puzzles
Relational Aesthetics Considered Auratic
The State Of Art
Iconoduel on Danto
Start Your Own Country (And The State Of Art)
Unstable Images
Laws Of Form
29 affiches de mai 68
The Art Strike of 1990-1993
Community Arts
Neither Neccessary Nor Sufficient As A Definition Of Art
Second Life Drawing
Web Site For “Now They Are Surrounded”
Confusing Symbols And Reality
Tom Moody Work at Futuresonic
Adult Movie Posters
Charlotte Street on Badiou
The Retina Seeks Novelty
Barcode Art
I Am The Law
Roy Lichtenstein
A Koons Bunny in CGI?
Practical Handbook
Casino Carpets
Portrait Of The Artist…
Art And Mental Health
Aesthetic Production
Art, Privilege, Democracy
Notes Toward The Expanded Image
Chris Ashley Before HTML
Brain Damage Can Change Artistic Style
KR -> KE
Look Ma, No Text
New Art & Language Show
Chris Ashley on MANIK on Chris Ashley
Ramachandran On Cognitive Aesthetics Again
Art & Language
Poem For The Day
Lemon Harangue
Art Since 1900
Nature On Cognitive Aesthetics
Cubism As A Form Of Complexity
Greenberg and Lyotard
One Hundred Percent Surface
Alain Badiou
Abstract Art After Courbet
Ten Years Since Fuse94
Is The Universe Complete?
Aesthetics Eclipses Ethics
Things I Wish I'd Said #247 (via eu-gene)
UNIX As Literature
Wolf Artistic Anatomy
Aesthetic Experience
Police Sketch Art
Back From Tunisia
Disney Fonts
Cutural Studies Goes Blog
Masking Paint
The End Of Art Theory Is Not
The Case For Complexity
The Institutional Theory Of Art
“What has your string quartet done, comrade, to further the cause of revolution?”
Aesthetics Is Subservient to…
Aesthetic of Work, Ethic of Play
Perfect Language
Ethics Or Aesthetics
Aesthetic Semiotics
Art And Fear
On “Language”
…And What I Use
Materials Fetishism Two: Phallic Symbols
Interesting Project Gutenberg Texts
The Story Of Art
Drawing People
Bait And Switch
Random Aesthetics Links
Art As Programming
Drop The Constraint
Oh, the irony
Cabinet Of Disinterest
Genetic Aesthetic Determinism
Duchamp Stoppages Hoax?
Materials Fetishism One: La Vie Boheme
Playing The Mall (1994)
Underlying Aesthetic (Dis)Order
The Condition Of Design
Drawing and Coding
Shadows and Light
Philosophies Are Aesthetics
Axiomatic Aesthetics
Trip Hop Art (Poetics [A Decade On])
Transparency and Shadow
The Participant Renders
Richter, Photo, JPEG
Light Paintings
Nine Black Squares
Encoding and Colouring
Hello World